According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) in the United States:

  • Someone in the US is sexually assaulted every 73 seconds.
  • Every 9 minutes a child is sexually assaulted.
  • Only a small percentage of perpetrators—only 5 in 1000—end up in prison.

The Tragic, Lasting Effects of Sexual Abuse

Few situations are more traumatic and have longer-term effects than sexual abuse. Whether it happens to a child or an adult, the ramifications are often lifelong and devastating. Too often powerful entities try and cover up these abuse. As we have seen with the Boy Scouts of America, USA Gymnastics, and the Catholic Church sexual abuse cases. They must be held responsible to ensure that the abuse ends and that injured parties are compensated. In many cases, punitive damages are appropriate to punish. These entities for their role in permitting abuse to continue for years, and in some cases, decades.

Compassionate Legal Support for Victims of Sexual Abuse in Pennsylvania – Get Justice and Compensation for Your Sexual Abuse Case

Unfortunately, sexual abuse often happens in environments where you or your loved one have an expectation of safety. If a business, organization, or institution failed to protect you, it’s imperative that you hold them accountable for their conduct. The sexual abuse lawyers at VSCP LAW can help. Our sexual abuse attorneys know how to stand up to these organizations, getting you the justice and compensation you deserve.

In a case as sensitive as this, it’s important that you feel comfortable that the sexual abuse attorney. And you choose is ready to represent the totality of how the sexual abuse has impacted your life and the lives of those you love. When you contact one of VSCP LAW’s senior partners, you can rest assured that your case will be personally handled by an experienced attorney. Who will work with you from start to finish, litigating your case in front of a judge or jury if a settlement cannot be reached. Other firms introduce you to their senior attorneys then immediately hand off your case to junior staffers. At VSCP LAW, our sexual abuse lawyers in Philadelphia work with you one-on-one to get you justice. Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.

VSCP LAW Attorneys have assisted in obtaining numerous Sexual Abuse Recoveries for clients including the following:

  • $6 Million Recovery – Sexual Abuse of a Minor
  • $2 Million Recovery – Sexual Assault in Apartment Complex