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VSCP LAW represents Willie Stokes, PA’s longest incarcerated exoneree, who served 37 years in prison for a crime he did not commit


VSCP LAW’s Joshua Van Naarden and Julia Huxman Ronnebaum are proud to represent Willie Stokes, Pennsylvania’s longest ever incarcerated exoneree. Willie spent 37 YEARS in prison for a homicide he did not commit. VSCP LAW will be filing Willie’s Civil Right’s claim against the City and the individuals responsible for this gross, life-altering miscarriage of justice.

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tag on yout theme's header.php Read the detailed step-by-step at */ // auxiliary code to create triggers for the add and remove class for later use (function($){ $.each(["addClass","removeClass"],function(i,methodname){ var oldmethod = $.fn[methodname]; $.fn[methodname] = function(){ oldmethod.apply( this, arguments ); this.trigger(methodname+"change"); return this; } }); })(jQuery); // main function for the infinite loop function vc_custominfiniteloop_init(vc_cil_element_id){ var vc_element = '#' + vc_cil_element_id; // because we're using this more than once let's create a variable for it window.maxItens = jQuery(vc_element).data('per-view'); // max visible items defined window.addedItens = 0; // auxiliary counter for added itens to the end // go to slides and duplicate them to the end to fill space jQuery(vc_element).find('.vc_carousel-slideline-inner').find('.vc_item').each(function(){ // we only need to duplicate the first visible images if (window.addedItens < window.maxItens) { if (window.addedItens == 0 ) { // the fisrt added slide will need a trigger so we know it ended and make it "restart" without animation jQuery(this).clone().addClass('vc_custominfiniteloop_restart').removeClass('vc_active').appendTo(jQuery(this).parent()); } else { jQuery(this).clone().removeClass('vc_active').appendTo(jQuery(this).parent()); } window.addedItens++; } }); // add the trigger so we know when to "restart" the animation without the user knowing about it jQuery('.vc_custominfiniteloop_restart').bind('addClasschange', null, function(){ // navigate to the carousel element , I know, its ugly ... var vc_carousel = jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent().parent(); // first we temporarily change the animation speed to zero jQuery(vc_carousel).data('vc.carousel').transition_speed = 0; // make the slider go to the first slide without animation and because the fist set of images shown // are the same that are being shown now the slider is now "restarted" without that being visible jQuery(vc_carousel).data('vc.carousel').to(0); // allow the carousel to go to the first image and restore the original speed setTimeout("vc_cil_restore_transition_speed('"+jQuery(vc_carousel).prop('id')+"')",100); }); } // restore original speed setting of vc_carousel function vc_cil_restore_transition_speed(element_id){ // after inspecting the original source code the value of 600 is defined there so we put back the original here jQuery('#' + element_id).data('vc.carousel').transition_speed = 500; } // init jQuery(document).ready(function(){ // find all vc_carousel with the defined class and turn them into infine loop jQuery('.vc_custominfiniteloop').find('div[data-ride="vc_carousel"]').each(function(){ // allow time for the slider to be built on the page // because the slider is "long" we can wait a bit before adding images and events needed var vc_cil_element = jQuery(this).prop("id"); setTimeout("vc_custominfiniteloop_init('"+vc_cil_element+"')",500); }); }); });