How Can I Find the Right Birth Injury Lawyer in Philadelphia?


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, birth injuries affect 3% of all babies born in the United States. A birth injury refers to damage caused to a baby shortly before, during, or after their birth. Birth injuries can result in permanent damage to the baby that will last into childhood and adulthood. Common birth injuries as a result of negligence at and/or around the time of delivery include bone fracture, cerebral palsy, brachial plexus, vacuum extraction complications, brain damage, and encephalopathy.
If you believe your child suffered a birth injury, you may be able to file a lawsuit and get compensated for the various costs involved with a child who has been injured. This article explores why you should hire a birth injury lawyer who specializes in birth injury law in the City of Philadelphia – and how to find the right birth injury lawyer in Philadelphia.


The First Judicial District of Pennsylvania includes the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia. The Court of Common Pleas has more than one hundred judges and handles a wide variety of cases including birth injury cases.

Some states have a unified judicial system. In New Jersey, for instance, the same rules and forms and procedures apply whether you file a lawsuit in Camden County, New Jersey or Union County, New Jersey. Pennsylvania, however, does not have a unified judicial system. Every county is different. Practicing law in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania is very different from practicing law in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania or Bucks County, Pennsylvania. There are special forms, filings, procedures, and processes that attorneys practicing law in other counties would find downright confusing. If you plan to hire a lawyer for a birth injury that occurred in Philadelphia, you should hire a Philadelphia birth injury lawyer.

A Philadelphia birth injury attorney knows the ins and outs of the complicated Philadelphia judicial system, has the necessary contacts at the various large Philadelphia-based medical institutions, and knows how to navigate every crucial stage of a successful birth injury case in Philadelphia.


When you do a Google search, you may find that a lot of lawyers in Philadelphia appear to handle birth injury cases. If you click on the “Practice Areas” tab of their websites, you’ll see “birth injury” listed. That means very little. It’s very possible that no attorneys in that firm have ever handled a birth injury case. The words “birth injury” on their website just means the lawyers in that firm are willing to handle a birth injury case. Again, it’s highly possible that no one in that firm ever worked on a birth injury case.

If your child needed braces to correct an overbite, you wouldn’t take them to a dentist. You would take them to an orthodontist. You would take them to the professional who has the specific training necessary to solve the problem you bring to them.

Check out the profile pages of the attorneys at the firms you’re considering. Are there specific examples of birth injury cases listed? Check out the media tabs – are there news articles about birth injury cases? Check out their resources tab – do they offer resources on birth injuries? Do they have a blog where they discuss birth injuries? If yes, these are all indications that the attorneys have solid experience handling birth injury cases and that they will be the right birth injury attorneys for your case.

If you believe your loved one has suffered a birth injury, contact the experienced birth injury attorneys at VSCP Law.

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