The Impact of a Personal Injury Lawyer on Your Case Outcome


According to Merriam-Webster, “Philadelphia lawyer” is defined as “a lawyer knowledgeable in the most minute aspects of the law.” According to, “Philadelphia lawyer” is defined as “a lawyer of outstanding ability at exploiting legal fine points and technicalities.” And of course, this term can be skewed less complimentary as when the adjectives shrewd or tricky and “taking advantage of legal technicalities” are thrown around, as with the Collins Dictionary definition. But even in the light least favorable, Philadelphia lawyers have a reputation for their exceptional knowledge and skill. Why, then, would anyone wish to pursue a Philadelphia personal injury case without one? The impact of a Philadelphia personal injury lawyer on your case outcome is quite significant. Below is an exploration of the myriad ways a personal injury lawyer in Philadelphia can have a positive impact on the outcome of your case.


Protecting Your Rights


In every personal injury case, time is of the essence. Pennsylvania law allows you two years from when you knew or should have known that your injury was the result of the defendants’ negligence. Children who are injured in Pennsylvania are treated differently from adults who are injured: The child can file a lawsuit up to two years after the child turns 18 (i.e., up until their 20th birthday). There are some additional exceptional rules that only experienced personal injury lawyers know, such as the “fraudulent concealment clause.” Again, this is why you need to hire a Philadelphia personal injury attorney: They know the various nuances within the law. Without a lawyer, you may lose your right to file a claim at all.


Gathering (and Protecting) Sufficient Evidence


Your personal injury lawyer in Philadelphia will help retain crucial evidence before the defendant destroys it. You read that right: the defendant in your case could destroy evidence – if you don’t demand that they preserve it. This is why you need a personal injury lawyer in Philadelphia who will take all necessary actions early enough in the process to ensure that the essential evidence remains intact.


An experienced personal injury attorney knows what evidentiary items to collect. Whether it’s ordering a complete set of medical records; reviewing police reports; assembling witness statements; viewing employee logs and workplace schedules; or collecting photographs, videos, and security footage, the lawyer knows what pieces of evidence are necessary to build your case and how to gather them as efficiently and thoroughly as possible. The presence or absence of these crucial forms of evidence could determine whether your lawsuit is successful or not.


Ensuring Case Success


Hiring a lawyer significantly increases your likelihood of success. In addition to the complicated task of acquiring helpful evidence, as described above, your lawyer will hire the right (and best) experts. Your personal injury lawyer in Philadelphia has access to the best experts in the country. They will ensure that the most appropriate and qualified experts review your case. And they will ensure that those experts write a detailed and comprehensive report to bolster your claim in court. 


An experienced personal injury attorney will have tried at least dozens of catastrophic loss cases in an actual courtroom. They know how to present a case to a jury or judge, how to write compelling memoranda of law, and how to negotiate with fellow lawyers. These are skills the layperson simply does not possess because the skills are taught in law school and honed in the actual practice of law. 


It is technically possible for laypersons to represent themselves in court and win the case. But it is not likely. And it is all but guaranteed that a layperson who foregoes the use of a lawyer and instead represents themself will not yield as successful an outcome as if they had hired a personal injury attorney. Hiring a Philadelphia personal injury lawyer ensures not only success, but the best possible outcome for your case.


Maximizing Compensation


Your lawyer will know the true value of your case and get you the highest possible compensation. They will skillfully demonstrate that you have suffered in various ways. They will document for the court the multiple ways in which you were injured, delineating both the economic damages (e.g., medical bills, wage loss, etc.) and the non-economic damages (e.g., pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, etc.). The allocations of your various losses will help paint the complete picture of your injuries so that you are thoroughly compensated.


A Philadelphia personal injury attorney has been through the system, has years of experience trying similar cases, has worked against many defense firms and insurance companies, and knows the ins and outs of the Philadelphia judicial system. They know how much money you can recover and because of their vast experience, they will take all necessary steps to ensure you get the highest possible compensation for your injuries. If your case can be settled before going to trial for an amount that represents its true value, your Philadelphia personal injury attorney will ensure that the case is settled so you don’t have to go to trial. On the other hand, if the defendant isn’t offering enough money to compensate you for your injuries, then your personal injury lawyer might take the case to trial. Either way, you need an experienced personal injury lawyer to help make the right decision so you can collect the most compensation.


So, what is the impact of personal injury lawyers on your case outcome? Your rights will be protected so you won’t lose the ability to file suit. Your case will be built and structured with the most compelling evidence and the most persuasive experts. Your case will not only be successful, but it will yield the most profitable result possible.  


There’s a reason Philadelphia lawyers have a reputation for being clever, displaying an exceptional understanding of fine legal points and technicalities, and demonstrating outstanding knowledge in the most minute aspects of the law. The reason is: They earned it.


For your personal injury matter, if you want to find an experienced Philadelphia lawyer, contact  VSCP Law.

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